We provide you with the perfect finish - from grinding and debur- ring on sand, and glass bead blas- ting over to painting and poli- shing.
Design, refine and protect surfaces: The perfect Finish.
In surface technology, we can offer you a diverse range of surface finishing.
Next to the grinding on a belt grinding machine from “Kuhlmeyer”, we can deburr and round out your parts with machines from “Lismac” or “Weber”, and give them the desired surface structure.
In the stainless steel area, we can even remove tarnish of large components in our spacious glass bead blasting booth.
In addition, we may treat your components for various applications with fine grindling and polishing to receive a surface roughness of less than 0.1 microns.
Our service does also include galvanizing, hot-dip-galvanizing, anodizing and chroming.
More over are we equipped with our own steel bead blasting machine and an in-house paint shop.